Ask Leanne – How Do I Get Back On Track After Holidays?

A few people have been in touch this week asking for tips on how to get motivated after returning from holidays. It’s probably one of the hardest things to do to be honest – the body finds it hard to switch out of holiday mode and more often than not you are probably after over … Read more

The Perfect Shopping List for Your Healthy Eating Plan

When it comes to living a healthy lifestyle – usually the fitness side comes along easily enough. Once you’ve committed to a gym class, a trainer or a plan – you can stick to it with a little bit of willpower. But what about the other 23 hours of the day? It’s not quite as … Read more

Loaded Sweet Potatoes

What You Need:  4 Sweet Potatoes 150-200g Chorizo 1 Onion 3 Cloves Garlic Freshly Chopped Corriander Freshly Chopped Scallions Coconut Oil 1/2 Cup Grated Cheese   What To Do: Roast whole sweet potatoes in the oven until cooked though. In a pan melt some coconut oil and fry up chopped chorizo, onion and garlic. Prep … Read more

HIIT Session Of The Week #LeanneMooreFitness

Here’s this weeks HIIT session!   Squat (Add Weight) Walkout Lunge (Add Weight) Burpee   ROUND 1: 20 of each ROUND 2: 15 of each ROUND 3: 10 of each ROUND 4: 5 of each ROUND 5: 20 of each #FINISHER 5 Minutes on Threadmill 1 Minute Sprint 30 Seconds Rest 1 Minute Sprint 30 … Read more

HIIT Session Of The Week – #LeanneMooreFitness

I usually pop my HIIT session of the week up on SNAPCHAT (username: Leanneacmoore) but I am going to start adding them here too! ***If there are any exercises you are unsure of ask an instructor at your local gym. Base Round:  15 Kettlebell Thrusters 12 Renegade Row 10 Box Jumps 8 Push Ups Round … Read more

What’s In My Shopping Basket?

This weeks topic is based on something I get asked about almost every week. “What is your usual shopping list like?” It’s nice to se what other people tend to reach for and then try to make similar choices for yourself. I constantly share my shopping choices on snap chat (Leanneacmoore) but I’m going to … Read more

Ladies Who Lift Club – Dates and Info!

So we can FINALLY lift the lid on what “Ladies Who Lift” actually is!!! Siobhan O’Hagan and I are teaming up on this little project and we are so excited to finally announce we are holding #ladieswholift seminars nationwide! The purpose of these seminars is to introduce ladies to the benefits of weight training and … Read more

Beat The Post Holiday Bloat

I recently commented on my social media on how I felt a little bloated and sluggish after returning from a few days of eating all around me in France. Since then I’ve had so many people get in touch asking me to share my tips on how to de-bloat and start feeling full of energy … Read more