A Juicy Way To Getting More Than Your 5 A Day

This week I teamed up with Juice 2 Go to try their range of healthy fruit and vegetable juices. I had been feeling a little under the weather lately and wanted to make sure I was getting tons of the good stuff.

A three day “Normal Detox” arrived at my door on Friday jam packed with 15 colourful juices. Now for many this juice only detox is a perfect substitute for meals but as I wanted to inject a little added nutritional value I used my juices as a meal accompaniment in some cases – ensuring that the food I was eating along with the juices were clean and nutritious.  (Juice 2 Go can however be used as a complete juice detox with a three and five day option and also caters for customers who want to buy singular juices to have stocked in the fridge.)

Juices in the “Normal Detox” are made into a variety of combinations using mixes of beetroot, ginger, lemons, kale, cucumber, lime, pineapple, carrot, spinach and more. One of my favourites was the Energiser – a mix of apple, pineapple, cucumber, lime and avocado. Delish!


Energiser Juice from Juice 2 Go
Energiser Juice from Juice 2 Go


Dave was a big fan of the Kickstart Cleanse juice with apple, carrot, lemon and ginger.


Kickstart Cleanse Juice from Juice 2 Go
Kickstart Cleanse Juice from Juice 2 Go

And there was even a “dessert” type option in this Strawberry Smoothie with strawberries, banana, orange and low fat yoghurt.

Strawberry Smoothie from Juice 2 Go
Strawberry Smoothie from Juice 2 Go



As I mentioned – we opted to use the juices to ADD to meals but they are predominantly used for juice detoxes – a perfect way to allow the body a fresh start. The three and five day juice only detox can be tough but I HAVE done the 3-day previously and it is totally doable. Plus you literally feel AMAZING afterwards.

***A little tip  If you are looking to “spice” up your detox – buy some ice-lolly makers and freeze one of your juices to enjoy that way****

If you are thinking of giving juicing a go – give them a try. Ordered online and delivered to your front door! Easy peasy.

And there’s great news for followers of The A Department and leannemoore.ie! Juice 2 Go are offering a 10% discount on all orders when you use the discount code: ADEPARTMENT

Just head over to the JUICE 2 GO WEBSITE and place your order!

Don’t forget to check out their FACEBOOK PAGE.


Leanne xx

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