Over the next few weeks I am going to share with you some small steps I will be taking to hit 2017 and help make it our fittest, strongest and healthiest yet!
This #SmallStepsToBigChanges will just be little tips – that you can take up if you wish – as we go along to help get you on the right track this January.
I’m always preaching that you don’t have to apply all the changes together at once – in fact doing it that way will more than likely only lead to you falling clean off the wagon. My biggest piece of advice is always take small steps to big places and so I want to help with just that.
Over the next few days and weeks I’ll write some blog posts with a few tips and tricks you might find useful if a healthy body and mind is your goal! Since finishing Panto this evening (I was playing Belle in Beauty and the Beast at UCH in Limerick for the past 5 weeks) I myself will be getting my own life back “on track” in the coming weeks and sur I might as well share that with you all!

If you are going to take any or all of the tips on board, I would LOVE if you would share your own changes on social media, tag me and use the hashtag #SmallStepsToBigChanges
And now for my first tip!!!!
Tip No.1: Plan Your Week
Take a few minutes this evening, take out a diary or a notepad and plan out your week. See if you have time to schedule a few workouts – even if that for you right now is an evening walk. Pop them down like you would any appointment and stick to them. Don’t cancel on yourself! You can plan as little or as much as you want to but be realistic. Failing to meet “appointments” you make might just send you backwards. Take a few minutes on a Sunday just to scan over the week ahead and make sure you are prepared for all it can throw at you. Some weeks will be busier than others but remember that’s a part of life too. A good plan will get you far!
Don’t forget I’m on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat: Leanneacmoore