I’ve just returned from five days in Austria (Dave and I were skiing with some friends) and after a lot of bread and three-course meals, i’ll admit I’m feeling a little bloated. This week I shared my pre-holiday and post-holiday pictures and that in itself was hard to do. In case you missed it on my INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK pages – and here it is (above).
We all feel a little sluggish and bloated from time to time especially after over indulgence – and as a Personal Trainer and fitness blogger I think that sharing the WHOLE story is vital. First and foremost I want to make it clear that though the majority of the time you will hear me harping on about training and clean eating – I don’t stick to this rule 7 days a week. I love my cheat meals – usually at the weekends – and when I do take time off from work I choose to let my hair down and enjoy my holidays. And that is exactly what I done! Now that I am home I’m concentrating on getting back to where I was. So what should you do if you are in the same boat? How do you get back on track after an over-indulgence. Here are some tips I think really work well.
If you’ve worked hard all week. Hit the gym and ate healthily, then you deserve your treat/cheat. REMEMBER though that cheats or treats are to be had in moderation. There is no point being good Monday to Friday lunchtime and then going off the rails till Sunday evening. Think about it. That would mean you are only “on point” like 60-65% of the time. Thats just not enough. Allow your cheat MEAL. Enjoy it. If you’ve chosen to let your hair down on holiday – do it – and then as soon as you get home get straight back on the wagon. Don’t let holiday mode creep into your usual routine. Plan, prep, commit and move on.
Flush out the sugar, the salts and the additives drinking plenty of water and allowing the body to recuperate. Adding lemons and limes will also help to restore the body’s alkalinity.
Fruits, vegetables and herbal teas are all your best friends after a day of over indulgence. Eat lighter sources of protein like fish, chicken and turkey. Sometimes filling up on red meat will only add to the bloat as it takes more time to digest. Remember the day after is the day you are more likely to crave more “bad” foods but if you stick to your guns and fill up on nutritionally rich foods, you’ll be right as rain in no time.
Going hungry is literally the worst thing you could do after overindulging. You are only messing around with blood sugar levels and more likely to overeat at your next meal. Eat little and often and allow yourself return to your usual routine. I usually aim for five meals in the day and whilst I don’t track macros for the most part. I just make sure I am eating good clean foods. Counting macros daily is just something I choose not to do. But if you’d like some more info on that diet plan here’s a little post I’ve previously published: CLICK HERE.
It may be the LAST thing you want to do but it will help you to no end. Not only will burning a few calories but it will also totally clear your mind. Hit the gym, go for a long walk or engage in a weekend activity.

Remember that little line I always come back to – life is for living. If you’ve holiday plans and you are looking forward to letting your hair down – go for it. Enjoy every moment and when you get back work your ass off to get back to where you were.
Leanne x