Summertime is truly here and for some that means struggling to keep their healthy habits going strong. As holidays loom and BBQ’s are fired up it’s easy to let some of the not so healthy habits creep in to our daily routines. So what simple steps can you take to make sure you stay firmly on track? Here are a few really easy tips and tricks. My five ways to stay healthy this summer.
1: Keep Moving
It’s really easy to think “ah I couldn’t be bothered” when the sun is beaming down, but giving just a few minutes of your time will go a long way to keeping you focused through summer. Aim for early morning or late evening workouts – when it’s a little cooler outside and remember you need to take in extra water and take more rest time during workouts.
2: Don’t Concentrate Only On Abs
As soon as summer is here we all go flat tummy crazy! Don’t spend all your workout time training abs, doing crunches and sit ups and holding a plank. Abs exercises are one of the lowest calorie burners and will not lead to you developing a toned tum on their own. You cannot spot reduce. It’s just not possible to train only your tummy and hope it appears flatter. A better use of your time is to pop to the gym and get in some solid weight training with some intensive cardio. Use exercises like squats, lunges, shoulder presses and if you have good technique – deadlifts. These are the moves that will really sculpt your core and ensure you are spending your time well.
3: Brew Your Summer Time Drinks
Warmer weather means we all want to reach for refreshing summertime drinks. This can be a major hindrance. Most fizzy drinks and juices have heaps of added sugars. If you can’t seem to take to good old H2O, then opting to brew your own summer drinks is a great idea. Select a flavoured tea you enjoy, green tea is great or any of the dozens of flavours that are now on the market. Brew it with 2-3 teabags in a large teapot or heat-resistant jug and allow to cool. Transfer into a large jug and add ice and some sliced fresh fruit (oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes work well) and keep in the fridge. Drink as needed. A delicious low sugar and low-calorie drink to enjoy when the weather is warm. I’m also really enjoying the bolero sugar-free powders. They come in a range of flavours and are added to icy water. Really delicious – my favourites are cola and pineapple.
4: Experiment With Salads
Growing up a “salad” to me was cold meat and sliced cheese on a plate with a dollop of coleslaw, a dollop of potato salad and a bread roll! Oh think of the calories! This summer steer clear of any salads that have a dressing already added and experiment at home yourself. The salad bar at your local deli does not contain all healthy options. Research healthy recipes online and make big batches so you can tuck in throughout the day.
5: Make Memories
Sit down this week and make plans that will really make your summer. They don’t have to be expensive, they can be things that just mean spending time with the people who make you happiest. Spending time making memories is good for the mind and mental health is just as important as physical health. Plan days to the beach, plan picnics, plan holidays abroad, plan stay-cations, plan healthy BBQ’s, plan to enjoy the months ahead.
Don’t forget to follow me on social media Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
See you there,
Leanne x