Looking to tone up your abs? Well after last weeks post on how to blitz stubborn stomach fat (CLICK HERE if you missed it) here are three of my favourite exercises to target the tummy.
Enjoy 🙂

Abs like any other muscle need to be trained with weights in order to stimulate the muscle tissue. I like to use light weights and high repetitions when training abs. I usually do the Weighted Crunch with a 5kg or 7kg medicine ball and aim for 15-20 reps. Start with a weight 3-5kg and give it a go. With this one keep your eye on the weight. If you cannot get the whole way to sitting up comfortably, start with a smaller move lifting the head and shoulders off the ground with the weight overhead in your outstretched arms.

Sitting down with your heels resting on the floor lean slightly back. Taking a similar weight to the previous exercise, move the wright from one side to the other in a slow and controlled movement making sure to gently touch the ground on each side and twisting the torso to do so. Aim for 20 reps.

Holding a weight in one hand allow your body tilt to the side and then back up to a standing position. You only need a weight in one hand (the side you are bending on) as holding a weight in two would be counterproductive. Aim for a weight from5-10kg and aim for 10-15 reps on each side.
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For Personal Training enquiries EMAIL: leannemooreofficial@gmail.com